Livius Cotarca
Livius Cotarca
High expertise in organic process research and development
Livius Cotarca is founder of LC Consulting and as a pharmaceutical consultant provides expertise in organic process research and development and Senior Advisor Associate at Oriento SA. Former R & D Director at Zambon Group S.p.A., co-author of 3 books/volumes, over 60 patent families on pharma active ingredients and processes and over 70 papers in the field of organic and physical organic chemistry. His studies in physical organic chemistry have been directed to the understanding of structure and reaction mechanisms of technologically important organic compounds. Recipient of the“Nicolae Teclu” Award for chemistry of the Romanian Academy (1991) and “Premio alla Ricerca” of the Italian Chemical Society (2005). He is a member of the American Chemical Society and of other advanced scientific associations. Currently, his scientific and technical interest is devoted to API’s process chemistry and solid-state characterization. He is also Director of ISPROCHEM – International School of Process Chemistry, Italy.